понедельник, 25 января 2016 г.

Homework _ 9A _Reactions

Reversible and Irreversible Changes

Irreversible Changes
Irreversible changes are changes that are permanent and can't be reversed. Every irreversible change makes a new material. For example a cake. Once you bake the cake, you wouldn't be able to return it back to it's original ingredients.
Some general examples of irreversible changes are:
- Heating- If you heat and egg, you wouldn't be able to change it back to its liquid state. ~

- Mixing- If you mix bicarbonate of soda (or baking soda) and vinegar, you will see bubbles. The left overs of the reaction can't be changed back into bicarbonate of soda and vinegar again. ~

- Burning- If you burn wood, you wouldn't be able to turn the ashes back to its original state.

Reversible Changes:
Reversible changes are changes that aren't permanent and can be changed back into its original state. Sometimes you can't get the same shape or texture as the original but it wont change the material. Some general examples are:
- Melting- You can melt a chocolate bar and then cool it down to make it  hard again.~

- Freezing- You can freeze orange juice to make it a popsicle and then melt it again to make orange juice. ~

- Boiling, evaporating and condensing- If you boil water, it evaporates (turns into steam) and then condenses (turns back into water).

- Dissolving- If you put salt in water, it dissolves. Materials that dissolve in water are called soluble substances. Materials that can't dissolve in water, are insoluble substances.
This is a soluble substance~

This is a substance that is insoluble~

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